
Hope in the Midst of Chaos

Daniel 7:1-28

I. The Appearance of _________ (Daniel 7:15-21)

                The Beast

1. Lion with eagle’s wings (v. 4)
2. Bear (v.5)
3. Leopard with four wings and four heads (v.6)
4. Beast with 10 horns (vv.7-8, 21)
II. The Appointed ________ (Daniel 7:22-26)
a. Ancient of Days (vv.13, 22)
b. The Son of Man (vv.13-14)
c. The kingdom and dominion (vv.14, 27)

Rapture Theology 1 Thessalonians 4:15-18, Matthew 24:36-42, John 14:3

1. Postribulationism-
2. Midtribulationism-
3. Pretribulationism-

    Millennial Reign of Christ Theology Revelation 20:10

1.Dispensational Premillennialism-
2. Premillennialism-
3. Postmillennialism-

III. The Absolute _________ (Daniel 7:27-28)