Driven by the Power of the Gospel

Romans 1:8-17


I.   The Desire to ___________ Christ (Romans 1:8-15)
  1. The Glorious __________ of God’s People (v.8)
  2. A Grateful ___________ of God’s Purpose (vv.9-13)
  3. A Gratifying Desire to _______ the Message of God’s Promises (vv.14-15)


II.  The Definite __________ of Salvation (Romans 1:16)

  1. Power for __________ (v. 16) “not ashamed”
  2. Power for __________ regardless of ethnicity (v. 16) “Jew first and also the Greek.”


III. The Direct ___________ by Faith (Romans 1:17)

  1. Faith is _________ (v.17)(Romans 10:17)
  2. Righteousness is the _________ of faith (v.17)