Ephesians 5:25-33
Men, does your wife being married to you help her or hinder her in growing to be more like Christ? According to Scriptures I am to love my wife in such a way that encourages her to grow in her relationship with Christ so that she can love me the way I need to be loved.
Two things I want to accomplish in this lesson. 1. Examine Biblical principles designed to guide men. 2. Identify practical ways husbands can show their wives how much they love them.
Two main passages I want to look at this evening, Ephesians 5:25-33 and 1 Peter 3:1-7
Biblical Principles
The Husband Should Display a Superior Love for His Wife (Ephesians 5:25-33)

 A love that is sacrificial v.25

  1. A love that is sanctifying v.26 Are you blessing her with your Christian growth?
  2. A love that is sensitive v. 27
  3. A love that is satisfying vv.28-30
  4. A love that is separate from all others v.31
  5. A love that is spiritually grounded v.32
The Husband Must be the Spiritual Leader (1 Peter 3:1-7) Peter is showing a model for the wife who is married to a nonbeliever. Even when married to a nonbeliever the wife displays the type of love that Christ shows us! What if the husband is a believer? That changes everything for God’s glory. As Christians men, we must leader spiritually!
  1. Be a man of courage
  2. Be a man of conviction
  3. Be a man of commitment
  4. Be a man of compassion
  5. Be a man of character
Take the initiative in cultivating a spiritual environment for the family! Become capable and competent student of God’s Word. Live out before all else a life founded on the Word of God. Lead your wife in becoming a woman of God. Take the lead in training the children in the things of the Lord. 
Practical Application
  1. Show her appreciation. (Proverbs 31:28-29, Song of Solomon 4:1-7, 6:4-9, 7:1-9) Praise her for personal attributes and qualities. Praise her virtues as a wife, mother and homemaker. Openly commend her in the presence of others as a marvelous mate, friend, lover and companion. Help her feel that- to you –no one is as important in this world as she is.


  1. Show her affection and romance. (Song of Solomon 6:10, 13; Ephesians 5:28-29, 33). Affection is the environment in which sexual union is enjoyed.
  2. Initiate intimate conversation. (S of S 2:8-14, 8:13-14; 1 Peter 3:7) Well pastor, I’m not good at that stuff. Guess who’s not going to help you? That’s right, your pastor. Talk with her heart to heart. That may be a first for some men, actually setting down and talking like you did when you were dating. We you have conversations with her, you convey a desire to understand her, not to change her.


  1. Always be open and honest. (Ephesians 4:15, Prov. 15:22-23) Explain your plans and actions with completeness and clarity. She wants to trust you and feel secure with you.


  1. Provide home support and stability. (2 Timothy 5:8) Cultivate within the home a safe and fulfilling atmosphere. In the case of single mothers, they can strive to the same principles in 2 Timothy 5:8. The problem is when people don’t take responsibility and don’t make care their priority.


  1. Prioritize family time (Ephesians 6:4; Colossians 3:19-20) Say no to unnecessary time away from the family and yes to great involvement with them.