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Acts 9:6 (KJV); 2 Tim 4:6-8 (ESV)
These passages of Scripture contain Paul’s first recorded statement as a believer and one of his last utterances as a veteran soldier of the cross.
Paul’s ability to make this triumphant statement in his last letter to Timothy is a direct result of his asking the right question at the beginning of his life as a disciple.
The question, “Lord, what would you have me to do?” not only expressed the sentiments of Paul at the beginning of his Christian life, but it is a description of his attitude throughout the remainder of his life.
Paul’s question is appropriate for each of us as well – under all circumstances and all times.
I. This question acknowledges the Lordship of Jesus Christ
  1. The term “lord” does not have the meaning today that it had during the days of
      a. “lord” meant many things
         1) Lord was the normal address of respect in everyday Greek during those
             days  – “Sir”
         2) It was also a title of authority that distinguished between a master and a
         3) It was also used in legal terminology to designate one who served as a 
             guardian for those who had no legal rights, such as women and children
         4) This term was also the standard title of Roman emperors
      b. The highest use of this term is found in the Greek translation of the Hebrew  
          Bible where the Greek word Kurios, translated Lord, was regularly used as the
          name of Israel’s God
         1) It is in this sense that the word is used in reference to Jesus
         2) It was in this context that Paul addressed the risen Christ
  2. The NT clearly argues for and teaches the Lordship of Jesus Christ
      a. Over Nature
      b. Over demons
      c. Over the church
      d. Over disciples – My Lord and my God
      e. Over all of creation (Phil 2:9-11)
      f. We don’t make Jesus Lord – He is LORD
II. The question was the expression of a surrendered heart
      a. By this question, Paul was surrendering himself to the will of God for his life
      b. Jesus desires to be sovereign and supreme in every area of our life
      c. By this question Paul was declaring unswerving allegiance and loyalty to the
          will of God as he understood
      d. Doing God’s will would become the dominant passion of Paul’s life
III. The question opens the door so that the will of God may be known
  1. The will of God is not something to be feared
  2. It is something to be discovered and held dear
  3. The will of God is not what some cruel, compassionless fate would impose upon us
  4. Rather, it is the high and holy plan of the loving God
  5. Life is at its highest and best when it is lived in the sphere of the divine will
  6. Paul described the will of God as good and perfect (Rom. 12:2).
  7. To know God’s will, we must first be willing to do God’s will, it is possible for us to
      know God’s will
IV. The question was the beginning of a great career
  1. With this question Paul actively identified himself with the cause of Christ
  2. God called him to spread the kingdom by establishing churches through 
      missionary journeys
  3. Have you identified with a cause greater than yourself?
  4. Paul’s commitment to Christ was also a commitment to the church
  5. What place have you given to the church?
  6. Dr. M. E. Dodd once said, “A dollar invested in a New Testament church will rise
      higher, sink deeper, spread wider, go farther, and last longer than a dollar
      invested in any other institution on earth.”
  7. If this is true concerning an investment of money, it is also true concerning time,
      energy, and talents
  8. Many are making the sad mistake of giving first-rate loyalty to third-rate causes
      and institutions
  9. The greatest cause in the world is the cause of Christ, the Gospel of the kingdom
      of God
“Lord, what wilt Thou have me to do?” is everyone’s question
It should be your question.
It is urgent because you need to know what the Lord would have you do today, right now
  • If you do not know Jesus Christ as Savior, it is the will of God that you be saved.
  • If you are here today and have not been “doing” – it is the will of God that you
     rededicate your life and become a devout follower – a doer of His Will
  • Let his will become your will today